Regional Assessments

Coastal Geologic Services Inc. completes coastal assessments at the scale appropriate to the site and client needs.  Regional assessments provide essential context for site-specific assessments (see Services for Landowners).

Methods reflect specific client objectives, and can include field reconnaissance, topographic and coastal geomorphic mapping, historical shore change, littoral drift analysis, erosion rates, restoration/conservation/protection prioritization, and project feasibility assessment.

Assessments can result in policy guidance documents, educational outreach campaigns, white papers, and peer-reviewed publications. Many CGS assessments are used a starting point for restoration design or erosion control.


Case Studies

Click on each image below to learn more about CGS regional assessment projects.

Completing net shore-drift mapping in the Puget Sound
Feeder Bluff Mapping of the Puget Sound
Assessing risk to utility cable landing, Blakely Island, San Juan County